"Battle for Guildmaster's Pier" is an adventure that I wrote for the Dungeons and Dragons role-playing game for the Ravnica campaign setting. Below is a summary of the adventure, followed by a link to the adventure on the Dungeon Master's Guild community content platform for Dungeons and Dragons.
"Ravnica is about to open its first amusement park, the Guildmaster's Pier! Being designed by some of the Izzet guild's most talented inventors, the park promises a new form of entertainment never before seen on the plane. The creators of the park have decided to host the grand opening of the park on the first day of the Inventor's Fair, a famous festival where the newest technology from across the planes is presented to the public for the first time. Not everything is fun and exciting this year, however, as a test run of one of the park's rides--the Currents of Chaos--goes awry, and the ride breaks. It is quickly discovered that someone sabotaged the ride, and many are worried that they will strike again at the fair. It is up to the adventurers to discover who sabotaged the ride and to stop them before they strike again at the Inventor's Fair. This adventure is designed for characters levels 6-8 and takes place in the Ravnica campaign setting."
Link to adventure: https://www.dmsguild.com/product/403581/Battle-for-Guildmasters-Pier?term=battle+for+guild