As part of my independent study in game design and prototyping, I wrote a tabletop RPG adventure for Super Mario RPG exploring video game to tabletop RPG game design. I decided for the sake of player immersion and authenticity to 3D print figurines of the player characters to use for battles. The above 3D model is for Mallow, one of the main characters in Super Mario RPG. I designed the model from scratch, using reference images of the in-game character sprite and concept art to inform my design. The challenging thing with this character is that he only exists as a low resolution sprite and has never been in a 3D game before. This required me to use my imagination to envision what he would look like in 3D. It was extra challenging to 3D model a character for 3D printing, as it required extra considerations about how the character would print. I had a lot of fun with this assignment, though, and I most certainly hope to continue 3D modeling characters for 3D printing in the future.

Wireframe of the Mallow 3D model